


作为美国第一所公立大学,卡罗莱纳大学被广泛认为是美国教育领域的领导者.S. 公立高等教育致力于普及和负担得起. 在近20年的时间里,美国一直在.S. 新闻 & 《博彩平台》将卡罗莱纳州评为全美排名第一的州. 1 .公共机构价值. 该大学致力于开创性的举措,使大学更实惠, keep costs low 为 every student and create an environment that allows students from all walks of life to thrive in their academics and future endeavors.

为更多的博彩平台人打开获得大学学位的大门, 我们正在加强我们的校园社区,确保我们州有一个光明的未来.

我们热情地公开, and our commitment as a university that is accessible and af为dable to the people of North Carolina is unwavering.

  • 惠特尼·诺布尔的老井.

    2006年推出, the Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program provides a pathway 为 community college students to transfer to and graduate from Carolina. It is just one way that the University is fulfilling its mission of providing greater access to higher education 为 all North Carolinians.

  • 马修·伍德站在外面.

    近20年来, the groundbreaking Carolina Covenant initiative has been giving eligible students whose household income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level the opportunity to graduate from Carolina debt-free through a combination of grants, 奖学金和勤工俭学的工作.

  • “蓝天学者计划”(Blue Sky Scholars Program)为卡罗来纳州中等收入家庭的学生提供资助, 博彩平台家庭奖学金支持, 勤工俭学的就业机会, 支持实习或出国留学机会, 以及获取学术知识的途径, 个人和职业支持.



Af为ding to learn, study and explore in Chapel Hill is only part of Carolina's commitment to access. We want Tar Heels to experience all that it means to be a college student and gain knowledge outside the classroom and around the world.

Our 全球 Guarantee is Carolina’s commitment that a global education — from study abroad to 协作在线国际学习课程 to 虚拟全球研究和实习 — is available to all students.


  • 一群学生在爱尔兰徒步旅行

    随着越来越多的学生寻求全球教育,全球 Guarantee蓬勃发展

    《博彩平台》确保提供各种机会, 比如出国留学, 语言及地区研究, 协作在线国际学习课程, 虚拟全球研究和实习, 校内全球项目和活动以及面向全球的课程.

  • 西班牙,学生们坐在墙上.


    Carolina全球发布 enables first-year students to study abroad at a partner university during their fall semester and then enroll at Carolina in the spring. 通过这个项目, 学生们沉浸在一种新的文化中, 获得卡罗莱纳大学学位的学分,并认识其他新的柏油高跟鞋.

  • 三个人用一个大平底锅做饭.


    艾玛·桑普森(Emma Sampson)从小就对全球教育充满热情. The now sophomore enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill as a global studies major after she spent fall 2021 abroad in Granada, 西班牙, 通过Carolina全球发布.

  • 一名学生通过虚拟现实观看器观看.

    Tar Heels用虚拟现实建立语言自信

    Tar Heels in this Advanced Arabic class use virtual reality to explore a virtual world with students in Morocco and Algeria in real-time to hone their language skills.


作为一所为人民而建的大学, 卡罗莱纳州所做的不仅仅是教育和培养我们的下一代领导人. 它现在正在努力对博彩平台人产生影响.


我们是否直接与社区合作克服挑战, translating re博彩平台 from the lab to communities or building better opportunities 为 all residents by creating jobs and bringing business to our state, Tar Heels at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are dedicated to improving the lives of all North Carolinians.


未来属于博彩平台. 我们国家的每一个机遇和挑战都反映在我们的州. UNC-Chapel Hill is at the center of that future and serves as an engine of prosperity that will drive our state’s growth.

李海校长. 罗伯茨

李海的肖像. 博彩平台临时校长罗伯茨在他南楼的办公室里. 透过窗户,可以看到老井.


  • 斯宾塞戴着他的紫心勋章.


    Students at the UNC School of 法律’s Military and Veterans 法律 Clinic help veterans fight 为 upgrades or corrections in military discharges to make life-saving resources available to the 为mer service members. 对于一位博彩平台老兵来说, 他们恢复了他应得的所有荣誉,包括他的紫心勋章.

  • 富兰克林街的校队巷拱门.


    卡罗莱纳已经超过336岁了,300名校友生活在全国各地和世界各地, 但有些人在离家很近的地方, 他们的出现丰富了卡罗来纳社区. Get to know some of the Tar Heels whose businesses help make Chapel Hill one of the best college towns in the country.

  • 人们走在海滩上的码头上


    柏油脚跟巴士之旅 hit the road to strengthen the connections between the University and our state. 两辆巴士上有近80名卡罗莱纳州的教职员工和高级管理人员, the tour made 27 stops in 20 different North Carolina counties 为 participants to learn more about the pressing issues facing communities and to find new ways 为 Tar Heels in Chapel Hill to make a real-world difference 为 North Carolinians.



在卡罗莱纳, we’re also serving our state and the world by tackling tough challenges and accelerating new discoveries and solutions to emerging challenges through multidisciplinary teams of top scientists and students.

焦油高跟鞋正在寻找治疗疾病的方法, creating technologies and launching new industries to improve the lives of North Carolinians and people around the world.



自豪的大学 North Carolina, Tar Heels are conducting re博彩平台 that makes an impact on communities in our state.

卡罗来纳大学的本科生 博彩平台大学环境研究所莫尔黑德市野外基地 worked with the National Park Service to study a new issue impacting the barrier islands of the Cape Lookout National Seashore. The students studied several ponds created by overwash from Hurricane Dorian in 2019 to help the park service understand the ponds’ ecology and make appropriate plans in the years ahead.




几十年来,科学家们一直在警告全球爆发冠状病毒的可能性. 但当SARS-CoV-2出现时,没有现成的治疗方法、药物或疫苗. The Rapidly Emerging Antiviral Drug Development Initiative — founded by re博彩平台ers at Carolina and the Structural Genomics Consortium — is not only finding solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic but also drugs and therapeutics 为 future viral outbreaks.




  • 天堂的负担

    A broad study looking at food and water insecurity in the Galápagos brings together a team of re博彩平台ers to focus on an often-overlooked population. The project is a collaboration between re博彩平台ers from UNC-Chapel Hill and Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), 观察岛屿上的水和粮食不安全如何影响健康结果.

  • 一个戴着人工耳蜗的男人.


    在过去, 人工耳蜗被用于严重听力损失的患者, 提高他们倾听周围对话的能力. 但现在, 研究表明,这些设备为轻度或中度听力损失的患者提供了好处.

  • 安娜·那不勒斯,身后是一张地图.


    安娜·那不勒斯(Anna Naples)的研究生研究重点是她非常感兴趣的领域, 作为北卡罗莱纳人, 一个与家庭息息相关的问题是:粮食不安全. 使用GIS, Naples built a map that showed the counties and areas in the state that needed more produce access. 食品银行立即利用这些数据来支持三项倡议:“快闪市场”计划, 医院伙伴关系和社区卫生趋势.